RECSO Vision

To be the region’s leading organization in achieving oil pollution-free regional seas

RECSO Mission

To provide its members with the resources, knowledge and skills to prevent, prepare for and effectively respond to oil and associated chemical spills within the RECSO regional seas.

To be the region’s reference authority and consultative body for matters related to sharing best practices and knowledge on offshore oil and associated chemical spills prevention and response.

RECSO Objectives

Response & Mutual Aid

-Effective Mutual Aid Organization (Engage in drills/training, emergency etc.) with Contingency Plans which are unified between members for Tier 2* and Tier 3 support

- Establish a Centre for Communication Incident Coordination (ECC) to ensure early alert and response from members etc.

- Establish satellite bases for response Equipment and Resources

Engage in revenue generating activities (not for profit)

- Organize Conferences and Information Sharing and Training Events

- Establish an Annual Training Plan for RECSO members and associate members

- Seek Sponsorships in activities – Conferences and Other Trade Events

Stakeholder Management

- Develop partnerships and alliances with other stakeholders (Non RECSO Members) and other Organizations

- Leverage on Member Resources for activities

- Centre for knowledge excellence in which the SMEs from the Member Companies can share Expertise, Information and Best Practice


Our Members

Makani Number:

26693 90346