
Alert Procedure

RECSO has developed a highly efficient system of inter-member communication links which ensure rapid response when any member company requests assistance.

In the event of a crisis, the member company in distress notifies the Secretariat office who then initiates the "alert" action. RECSO member companies maintain a "stand-by" status whereby each company is ready to actively respond to requests for assistance at a moment's notice.

If a situation so warrants, the "alert" procedure may be by-passed and companies can contact each other directly as necessary.

Over the years, the RECSO` system has proved to be very effective and it has been a major contributing factor in successful responses to several emergencies.

Equipment Inventory

RECSO has developed a highly efficient system of inter-member communication links which ensure rapid response when any member company requests assistance.

Under the terms of the RECSO agreement, all member companies are obliged to maintain a minimum of two dispersant application systems; with a specified quantity of dispersant concentrate of approved type. In addition, a member is required to have available sufficient oil containment and recovery equipment for protection of its essential facilities and as a loan resource to other members.

The collective stockpile of equipment resources held by RECSO members is one of the largest in the world available for use in an emergency. The bulk of this equipment is available for inter-loan between member companies in an emergency on a cost rental basis.

During the past 30 years, RECSO has achieved its objectives and continues to provide vigilant services on emergency oil spills in co-ordination with national and international organisations.

However, it remains a well-known fact that no matter how immediate the response to any oil spill, it is ineffective and costly and in no way helps to negate the environmentally damaging effects of the discharge.

In the light of this, RECSO has gradually moved towards adopting a "Prevention is better than response" policy. And this prevention can only be achieved with the help of a comprehensive, active and operational anti-pollution programme.

RECSO has entrusted the Planning and Advisory Committee with the principal task of preparing such a programme which will not only extend to industrial operational oil spill but also to tanker generated intentional discharges which constitute a major cause of pollution in the region.

Towards this objective, RECSO member companies in the Gulf region have introduced an informal system of exchange of information on any defective or sub-standard oil tanker identified at any member facility. The purpose of this is to alert port operators of defective vessels and thereby prevent any potential oil pollution.

The same message was promulgated through Lloyd's List and conveyed to the tanker operators through RECSO member companies.

RECSO member companies are now taking stringent measures against sub-standard or defective tankers causing oil spill, while handling them at their terminals.

RECSO has also developed a communication link with terminals and commercial ports for monitoring tankers and ships which are potential polluters.

Close Co-Operation

RECSO remains in close co-operation with regional governments and environmental organisations.

In recent years, governments in the region have become more environment conscious and have set up environmental committees and special cells in their respective municipalities. RECSO enjoys a fruitful relationship with these agencies.

RECSO also maintains a close liaison with Regional Organisation for the Protection of Marine Environment (ROPME) and its marine wing, the Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Centre (MEMAC).

Though RECSO and ROPME have many operational similarities they differ in policy and mode of operation - ROMPE/MEMAC members are national environmental agencies while RECSO works on mutual aid within the industry.

RECSO’s Relationships with Regional & International Organizations

# Organization Relationship, Goals & Objectives
1 ROPME/MEMAC Mutual Cooperation, our goal is to develop a relationship based on sharing responsibilities and information as well as provide support to each other. The ROPME connection is important to Recso because of the link it provides to the regional governments. An example of this is when ROPME invites RECSO to the ministerial meetings they have.
2 UNEP Mutual Cooperation and support. The UNEP connection is important because it provides Recso with access to international organizations as well as keeping us abreast of all new environmental laws and regulations.
3 UNESCO Mutual cooperation and support. UNESCO is important to Recso for it provides us with key research in the field of environment done in the Middle East. As well as giving us access to its international headquarters. We are able to utilize their experts in events such as Offshore Arabia.
4 OAPEC Mutual cooperation and support. Our relationship with OAPEC provides our members with support by supporting events such as Offshore Arabia.
5 PERSGA Mutual cooperation and support. PERSGA provides Recso access to regions in the Middle East outside the ROPME sea area. In addition they provide us with immense support during Offshore Arabia.
6 Regional Environmental Ministries Recso has established over the years a relationship with many of the regional Environmental Ministries. The objective of these relationships is firstly, to keep the ministries aware of Recso’s many initiatives as well as building bridges between us and the ministries. In this manner we are able to ask for support when required, whether in our events or during times of crises.
7 OPEC Our relationship with OPEC is a beneficial one to Recso. Not only does it add prestige to our organization, but since the outset of this relationship they have provided Recso with extraordinary support. They have advertised our presence and recognize the organization for what it is trying to do. They have invited us to several of their environmental meetings such as the KYOTO PROTOCOL meeting and they have shared immense information with us regarding the oil business. OPEC has also supported Offshore Arabia and still continues to do so.
8 IMO We have an excellent relationship with this international body and we are in the process of becoming an observer as a regional oil industry organization (NGO). We feel it is important for us to have their support because of the access they give us to new laws, regulations and conventions. We are represented by some of our members and are able to attend their meetings to debate some of the issues pertaining to our region.
9 IPIECA We have a good relationship with IPIECA. When we have events they support us. The IPIECA connection is important in the sense that it provides us access to the oil sector outside our region. IPIECA also shares information on studies they conduct in different areas. Recso is always invited to their meetings and events where we usually deliver a presentation on our region.
10 OGP Our relationship with OGP is the same as with IPIECA and provides the same benefits.
11 ITOPF The ITOPF connection is important for our members that are in the tanker sector. They provide us with information on oil spills, etc… They support us by placing our logo in their website and promoting our events.
12 IADC We are Associate members of IADC, free of charge. IADC provides us access around the world to drilling companies, contractors, service providers, etc…


Our Members

Makani Number

26693 90346