RECSO participated in the 8th International Global Health, Safety & Environment Conference & Exhibition, held at the Oman Convention Centre in the Sultanate of Oman from 16th – 18th May 2022.
May 18, 2022
RECSO Board of Directors Meeting was held in Dubai Crowne Plaza Hotel from 21st to 22nd December 2022
December 21, 2022
RECSO 50 Years of Environmental Commitment

On 11th July, 1972, some of the major oil and shipping companies in the Gulf Region came together to form one of the oldest non-profit oil spill response mutual aids organizations in the world, In its full form, RECSO spells the Regional Clean Sea Organisation. As the title clearly indicates, RECSO is an oil industry co-operative organisation functioning on the concept of “mutual aid”.

The environmental commitment to the territorial waters of the Gulf was the ultimate driver to agree on establishing the basis of sharing oil spill response resources across the members. Over the years since the establishment of RECSO; It has developed both the experience and expertise to deliver a wide range of oil spill response and marine environmental mutual aid services.